
Our services reflect the fact that successful public affairs campaigns need to bring together narrowly-defined government relations with communications and digital campaigning, all based on regulatory awareness and analytically-driven intelligence.

Our product offering has evolved in line with increasingly sophisticated policy formulation in the countries of the region. Instead of focusing on personalities and who you “know”, we place a premium on understanding complex decision-making processes and the influence of the full range of policy stakeholders. Thus our political communication tools have evolved to embrace classic PR, digital and social media, grass-roots campaigning, and also harnessing the influence of NGOs and think tanks to provide a platform for your cause.

We encourage our clients to make use of the full range of our services, on the basis that only intelligence and monitoring at the outset can provide the necessary framework for undertaking the right decisions on your government relations and communication campaign priorities. Regardless, we are happy to provide bespoke and standalone services if that is your requirement.

See below for our range of services, which we provide both in-house and in collaboration with a trusted network of affiliates and associate service providers.